Innovation Chronicle

Each era has had its distinct advantages and challenges. From the rugged Stone Age, where survival was paramount, to the dawn of the present Digital Age, humanity has shaped its journey through various innovations. As societies progressed, they underwent gradual transitions to new eras, building on the advancements of the past. With each shift, there was a collective hope for better times ahead.

As we reflect on this timeline of innovation, what advancements do you believe will define the next era?

A ramp along a curved wall in the Kiasma Museu, Helsinki, Finland

Per-Stone Age to Stone Age Transition

Pre Stone-Age PeriodIce Age and significant environmental changes 
Cause of starting Stone AgeEarly humans lived in caves, huts, or tepees relying on hunting and gathering
EffectsBasic stone and bone tools, including crude stone axes

Stone Age to Bronze Age Transition

Stone Age PeriodCopper tools and decorative items been discovered
Cause of starting Bronze AgePeople had already known to smelt copper.

They started to combine tin with copper to create bronze because it was harder and more durable than copper making it ideal for tools and weapons
EffectsCopper and Bronze tools
Ornaments and decorative items

Bronze Age to Iron Age Transition

Bronze Age PeriodIron had been used to some extent during Bronze age.

New metallurgy techniques propelled it to new heights
Cause of starting Iron AgeBronze relied on long distance trade network for tin which was available in specific area.

Iron was more accessible and abundant.
Iron tools and weapons revolutionized technology”
EffectsIron tools and weapons

Iron Age to Classical Era Transition

Iron Age PeriodEnvironmental challenges, invasion and technological advancements
Cause of starting Classical EraSevere Droughts, Earthquakes, Invasion and Resource shortage
EffectsCultural achievements

Classical Era to Middle Ages Transition

Classical EraCultural achievements
Cause of starting Middle AgesShift in power

Religious influences and rise of new civilization
EffectsNew civilization

Middle Ages to Early Modern Era Transition

Middle AgesEconomic growth weakened
Cause of starting Modern EraEconomic Expansion

Rise of Nation States

Intellectual Modernity

Religious Transformation
EffectsModern World, shaping politics, economics and culture